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Data Analytics and Automation

What is Data Analytics?

Data analytics begins with data. Data are mere facts and figures. In isolation data does not provide any meaningful insights. However, after processing, analysis, and organization data can be transformed into impactful real-world action. In other words, through data analysis, data can become information. Presented in the appropriate way, information can be leveraged by decisionmakers to inform strategy choices within your organization. Although this process seems simple, data analysis is a complex, time-consuming effort since most data sets are fragmented, stored in low quality, or simply not used.


Our team of professionals reimagines your organization’s data through the following services and products:


  • Data Automation processes to create time efficiencies and reduce employee’s time spent on monotonous tasks.

  • Data Visualization or Dashboarding to transform your unstructured data into easily digested visual information which supports an organizations decision making personnel.

  • Geo-Spatial Mapping to derive key insights for organizations that track GPS data.

Computer with Graph
Analyzing Graphs

What makes us different?

With accounting and business backgrounds, our team provides a unique viewpoint. Our expertise in both the business and data environments allows the ability for information to be uncovered and presented to key decision makers in management. We are innovators. From large accounting and consulting firms, our management team came together to build a company that brings a high-quality work product in a different, more efficient way. We have first-hand knowledge and ability to bring time efficiencies to your company and cut down on monotonous tasks. We do not provide a one size fits all solution, rather we tailor your data solution to suit your specific organization’s need.


Stephen Headdy, Director

Phone: 312-798-9120

Headdy Mulroy Advisor Group, LLC
201 W Lake St. Suite 106

Chicago, IL 60606

Patrick Mulroy, Director

Phone: 312-361-8257

No Rendering of Advice

The information contained within this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for obtaining accounting, tax, or financial advice from a professional accountant. Presentation of the information via the Internet is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute, an accountant-client relationship. Internet subscribers, users and online readers are advised not to act upon this information without seeking the service of a professional accountant. Any U.S. federal tax advice contained in this website is not intended to be used for the purpose of avoiding penalties under U.S. federal tax law.


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While we use reasonable efforts to furnish accurate and up-to-date information, we do not warrant that any information contained in or made available through this website is accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. We assume no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of this website or such.


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This website is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. Use of this website is at your own risk. We and our vendors disclaim all warranties. Neither we nor our vendors shall be liable for any damages of any kind with the use of this website.


Headdy Mulroy Advisor Group, LLC is not a registered CPA firm

We specialize in advising clients on tax matters and perform tax filings. We do not perform 

© 2021 by Headdy Mulroy Advisor Group, LLC.

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